Month by month, learning things I should already know by now.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Getting back on the horse

I'm here to make a confession. I've been stumbling with my eating and exercise a lot this month. Not that I've broken my Vegan or Gluten Free ways, but I've found the junk food that still fits that criteria and I've eaten it. I've eaten A LOT of it. Mainly bags and bags of these:

And several of these:
The entire thing in one sitting.

So, it's time to rededicate myself. I'm up about 5 pounds or so, and as you know, this is fashion month.  So I've decided I can find what I'm going to buy but I can't actually make any purchases until I've lost 10lbs. That'll put me back around my goal weight at about 155 lbs.

I also need to get stricter with myself when it comes to exercise. I have a 5k Zombie Run coming up and I still haven't even gotten up to running 3 miles yet. It's going to be painful. I have a tendency to spoil myself a lot. I've been planning on setting a workout schedule and forcing myself to get up to work out in the mornings so I'll have evenings to work on film stuff and socialize. But so far I've let myself stay up late and sleep in every morning.

So, I'm going to work on giving up the 'junk food' that I've let slip into my routine, including all pre-made microwavable dinners and pre-packaged snacks. I'm also going to work on my exercise routine. They say it takes 90 days to develop a habit, so it's going to be a tough 3 months of not spoiling myself.

I think revisiting the documentaries that helped me get motivated in the first place will be a good place to start; Food Matters, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.

Ok, so that is my pledge. 10lbs and then I can purchase the wardrobe. Meanwhile, I will keep you updated on my progress and my wardrobe wishlist. 

Monday, October 1, 2012


Fashion month is finally here!! I'll be honest, this is probably my most anticipated month and I've already spent plenty of time prepping for it. All last month I was going to H&Ms website and using their online app to 'try out' different outfits and save looks that I liked. I'm a little bummed that I haven't been able to hit my goal weight by now but I seem to be where my body wants to be so it's probably safe to buy clothes for this size.
Here's my plan:
Start by getting rid of all the clothes in my closet that have holes, stains, etc.
Research types of deodorant that won't stain your clothes.
Take that bag of dry cleaning that's been sitting in my closet for over a year to the freakin dry cleaner.
Create an 'essentials' list of what I will need to fill my wardrobe.
Take a day to go to several stores and try things on, probably take pictures.
Then go back and make purchases that coincide with my 'essentials' list.
Shop smart so that I don't end up with 5 pairs of shoes that I'll never wear and clothes that fall apart after two washes.

I was blessed with extra work last month, so I put aside the money just for this!

Health Month Summary

Well, September is over and that means the end of Health Month. I had an appointment with my new physician last week and a follow-up today. My mother would have been so proud. My blood test results show that I have great cholesterol levels and my thyroid, kidneys and liver are healthy. I did discover that I have anemia. So it's off to buy some iron supplements. I also was told that I have a slightly elevated triglyceride level, which is fatty cells floating around in my blood. So I guess that means I need to cut back on the chocolate bars and olive oil.

My appointment today was a long-needed 'women's health' check-up. As a newbie to this 'taking care of myself' business, I equate it to not being any worse than an awkward date.  :D  When my doctor told me not to be nervous when she brought in the devices, I laughed and said, "actually, I was still thinking about my triglyceride levels."
 Also this month, I've continued taking dance classes which I think, in the long run, will help my core strength not to mention just help me loosen up a bit when it comes to taking my physical self too seriously.

I am SO ready for Fashion month!!