Month by month, learning things I should already know by now.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Career related. I swear...

OK, I'm realizing that this year is about random scary things occurring to me and then me getting hell-bent on doing them even though they sound crazy-balls.  For instance, going vegan. Had no interest. Thought to myself, "Let those vegans go about their own business, I'll stay over here in the cheeseburger aisle and they can stay over there in the crazy aisle and we'll all be happy."

PiƱatas are definitely in the crazy aisle.

Well we all know how that ended up! Bethany watched a few documentaries and the next day? BAM, Bethany herbivore Watrous was roaming the streets.
Then it was the gluten free thing. I thought "How and why would I go gluten free? I'm already vegan. Don't take away my bread, pasta and salad dressings too." But no, because along came an article about how wheat allergies can affect one's memory.
THEN, I was cruising along with the production company, figuring I'd be settling in to that and making it a long term commitment when a spontaneous friend comes to town and reminds me how awesome not being tied down is. And the next thing I know I was selling all my possessions, moving out of my Burbank palace and telling work "I'm leaving the country. I don't know where to or for how long, but meh."
Let me just clarify that there was sheer terror the night before each BAM moment. Thoughts like "Am I seriously going to do this? Am I seriously wandering over to the crazy aisle? How am I going to do this? But most of all, why am I doing this again? It's kind of lonely in the crazy aisle and people look at you like you're one of those weird zoo animals that no one knows the name of. They don't quite know what to make of you, but they're sure it can't be good.

It's my shifty eyes, isn't it.
Seriously, was God high?

It's like there's a part of my brain that when in panic mode grumbles "alright, let's do this".

Face my fears? *sigh* Fiiiine.

So for the longest time I've believed that I should do stand-up comedy at some point in my life. Not because I aspire to or think I'd be good at it or even want to. I've just always thought, "yeah, I guess I should do that". But the thought has also always equated to sticking forks in my eyes. But I woke up yesterday with a joke in my head and instead of chortling to myself and going on with my chocolate bar breakfast, I wrote it down. And then seven more jokes came flying at me and I wrote them down too. And thus, I have a sort of stand-up routine in the works which now my brain tells me "so we should probably perform that, I guess."
So look forward to THAT, world!

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